I had a great lesson plan for Floor Hockey, lots of visualization, technology, instant activity, well planned out progressions to the skill level of the students, teaching by invitation, intertask variables, music, equipment all set up.............what was I missing out of this 15 min lesson? What didn't I realized I needed..........?
Time Management Coding Form
I had planned my lesson for at least a 50 min lesson. Not a 15 min one!
I believe truely that everything I had prepared and set up was great for what I had to teach. Except for that one thing that could bring it all to a hault.....Time Management.

I was extremely pleased with how far I have come from the beginning of the semester till now. All of the information Dr. Yang has shared with us, in and outside of the box. This experience has definitly made me a better teacher, and opened my eyes to the possiblities, we as teachers,can accomplish.
I am excited for the semesters to come to heighten my abilities to the extreme. I am very pleased and happy for choosing "Suny Cortland as the place to BE for PE". Quote by Joe Brown
"Suny Cortland is the place to BE for PE!"